
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[Book Review] "Why Men Hate Going to Church" by David Murrow

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]St. Simon (Samaan) church in Aleppo is conside...[/caption]

There is a gender gap in today's churches and author David Murrow has exposed this secret to let us know what to do about it. I've been lamenting for years about the targeting of Christian radio to women and the lack of interest in men's Bible studies. Murrow has expressed all my thoughts and ideas about men avoiding church and church events in this little gem of a book, first released in 2005, but now completely revised and updated for 2011. I was not supposed to receive this book for review, but then again, by the sovereign hand of God, I did receive it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is not a book on doctrine or theology, nor does it pretend to be. Murrow writes practically, with lots of humor, about the state of men in the church.

He speaks of how our churches are feminized buildings, with flowers everywhere, and feminine colors. We offer group sharing time, which men generally abhor. Our worship songs speak of intimate love with a seemingly faceless man. We speak of relationships instead of coming alongside each other. Our ministries involve door-to-door evangelism instead of practical needs evangelism. In other words, we speak the language of women, not men. Liberal churches have been the worst at this, replacing the language of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with more feminine words. They hire and promote women and homosexual leadership. Men do not see a desire for the things of the church, but they are desiring to live their faith. The church has failed at allowing them to live their faith.

I recommend this book for anyone looking to revitalize their church to reach men. It's not about starting a men's ministry or revitalizing a men's ministry. It's about getting men involved in the church again, from children's ministry to ushering to practical needs. Giving men the opportunity to live their faith in the church is what this book is about. We can have the right Bible teaching and the right songs, but if there's mostly women doing the work in the church, what good is it. There's a reason, I think, that the women's Bible studies outdo the men's in attendance by 20 to 1. Women would do well to read this book too to see what they can do to help keep men in the church.  As a men's Bible study leader for a number of years, it has changed my view of what I may be doing wrong. This is a must read in today's church for lay leaders, pastors, and ministry leaders, men and women.

Disclaimer: I received this book from BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.


  1. Thanks for the post. I am going to have to check this out. The more I read the Bible, the more I realize it is a lot less neutered than the church has made it out. Many parts would be rated R if they made a movie because of the blood and gore. There very much is a side ot God that is full of movement and action. This is the side of God that men were made in the image of. We do need to put this back in the chruch...not the blood and gore, but the ministry of action...doing something for the sake of the Kingdom. Great post.

  2. Thanks for sharing! Sounds like an amazing read.

    Again, thanks.

  3. [...] [Book Review] “Why Men Hate Going to Church” by David Murrow ( [...]


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