The story follows Matt as the sole neighborhood watchman, his werewolf neighbor, his mad scientist and android neighbor, and his vampire former high school friend now neighbor as they flee from zombies and try to figure out what it means to get rid of the monster within and live a life transformed by Christ. It is satire mixed with the theological truths of C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity." Along the way, Matt himself learns that he too is a mad scientist, but he also learns about living the transformed life as well. So, how do I see the characters in the novel?
Zombies - These are people who claim to be Christians but have no works to accompany their faith. They simply go through the motions following this preacher or that preacher. They are of Apollos, Paul, John Piper, Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, Charles Stanley, C. I. Schofield, etc. They hang on their every word, read their study Bibles, and only read their books, listen to their podcasts, etc. They don't think or feel anything, just follow.
Vampires - These feed off other people. They are typically your atheists and agnostics. They believe in being self-sustaining and often are. They don't see a need for God because they have everything they could ever want.
Werewolves - This might be your typical seeker. They see their sin, but they hate it. They can't get rid of it because they don't know how. They are always either trying to hide it, or they live with it and becomes who they are. Most people are werewolves.
Mad Scientists - This is the Christian that is a true believer, but they are always trying to fix everyone else. They think they have all the answers, but in reality, they have only a few answers. They also tend to get followed by the zombies. They have yet to learn humility.
So, let me ask this, which one are you? Answer this question and you can win a certificate to redeem for a copy of Matt's book. The certificate can be used at your local Christian bookstore or via mail to Tyndale House. A copy of the book has been provided to me for free from Tyndale House for the purposes of this review. As well, this post is part of a blog tour being conducted by Matt and Tyndale's blogger's program. At some time today, Matt should be visiting the blog. I am using Punchtab to conduct the contest. I am leaving the contest open until noon on Monday, December 19, 2011.
View the trailer for the book:
Vampires - These feed off other people. They are typically your atheists and agnostics. They believe in being self-sustaining and often are. They don't see a need for God because they have everything they could ever want.
Werewolves - This might be your typical seeker. They see their sin, but they hate it. They can't get rid of it because they don't know how. They are always either trying to hide it, or they live with it and becomes who they are. Most people are werewolves.
Mad Scientists - This is the Christian that is a true believer, but they are always trying to fix everyone else. They think they have all the answers, but in reality, they have only a few answers. They also tend to get followed by the zombies. They have yet to learn humility.
So, let me ask this, which one are you? Answer this question and you can win a certificate to redeem for a copy of Matt's book. The certificate can be used at your local Christian bookstore or via mail to Tyndale House. A copy of the book has been provided to me for free from Tyndale House for the purposes of this review. As well, this post is part of a blog tour being conducted by Matt and Tyndale's blogger's program. At some time today, Matt should be visiting the blog. I am using Punchtab to conduct the contest. I am leaving the contest open until noon on Monday, December 19, 2011.
View the trailer for the book:
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Enter to win the certificate via Punchtab below:
Visit Matt Mikalatos
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